
Sl No. Title Description Start date End Date Files

Some Points

Details of registration of Sishu ashram under various Acts:

Society Registration act XXI of 1860- 20533/83 dated 10.09.1998

FCRA registration- 104860029R dated 19.12.1985 Validity- 1.11.2016 up to 1.11.2021

JJ registration- 01/JSP/2013 dated 30.09.2013 validity- 30.09.2019 up to 29.09.2024

NITI AYOGA registration – OR/2017/0170408

Specialized Adoption Agency- Certificate No 72 dated 20.11.2020 Validity- 06.01.2020 up to 29.09.2024

what services we provide

Shelter for children's In Sishu Ashram chikd in need care & protection category children are housed.
happiness for child In Sishu Ashram under familar envirement the inmates are staying happily as we are proposing on best intrest of the child.
Sponsor a child today Sponsership assistance is being provided to the children who are below poverty line & this financial assistance will enhance their study.
education for children's We are proposing the education of children with tutorial assistance.

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Contact Us


AT/PO :- Jagatsinghpur
ESTD :- 1976, Regd. No. :- 10880/1205/76-77 (Old),
20533/83, Dt. :- 1998/99 (New),
FCARA No. :- 104860029R,
Ph :- 067424-220688,
Email :-